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Oleo Pine Resin (OPR) is derived from Pine trees by tapping the trees similar to tapping of rubber trees.

It is in liquid gummy form with light cream or pale yellow colour. When processed Gum Rosin and Turpentine are derived from it. We sell OPR of Sumatra province.

The Oleo Pine Resins are soluble in alcohol but not in water and has high refractive index that makes it glossy. Therefore, oleo pine resins and their derivatives are major components in Paint, Varnish, Adhesive, Paper, Incense, Printing Ink, Chewing Gum, Fragrance, Flavors, Cosmetics, Disinfectants, Soaps, Detergents, Camphor, Ammunition’s, etc. It is also used in Medicines.

Pine resin is impermeable to water so it can be used to seal seams, repair breaks/holes in boats, shoes and structures to prevent water leaks. Glue is also made from pine resins and they are used to seal books, boots, etc.

Packing is in used iron drums. Approx 210-220 kg net per drum. Total 80 Drums in a 20’ FCL weighing about 17 MT.

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